Give Back Program
Adventure with Impact™
As part of our Adventure With Impact® mission, we give back $5 for every day of your rental to local Colorado organizations working to help protect the outdoors. We select one project at a time and set a time period where all rental donations will help fund that project, usually between 3 and 6 months. Check them out and get involved!
Previous PROJECt
The Wilderness Land Trust
Across the West, there are over 180,000 acres of privately owned property within federally designated wilderness areas, known as inholdings, and many more adjacent to wilderness areas. Each one represents a hole in the fabric of wilderness protection-- a threat to the wild character and ecological integrity of the lands surrounding them. In the organization’s 32-year history, The Wilderness Land Trust has worked to acquire these private properties from willing landowners, transferring them to public ownership. In this time, they have protected 586 properties totaling over 57,900 acres in 120 wilderness areas. Along the way, they’ve completed 17 wilderness areas by removing their last remaining private inholdings. Each project they work on carries the story of a place that has inspired countless people and communities, a family that has chosen to give up what is theirs to protect its future, and a vibrant, and often breathtaking, landscape supporting rich biodiversity.
Previous PROJECT
Protect Our Rivers
Protect Our Rivers works to make a lasting impact on river health through active conservation, education, and access. They organize river cleanups across Colorado and beyond, and provide hands-on educational tools to teach young river stewards about micro-trash and pollution, rural and urban watersheds, and human-caused problems rivers face today. They are driven by the belief that everyone has the power to make a difference.
Their programs connect people to rivers and empower them to take action, with the hope that their work will have a long-lasting impact on river health.
Come join us at the South Platte Cleanup April 29th!
SOS Outreach
SOS Outreach’s missions is to change young lives, build character and develop leadership in youth who face risks through mentoring outdoors.
Founded in partnership with Vail Resorts, SOS Outreach has transformed the lives of over 80,000 underserved youth since 1993. While providing outdoor recreation experiences for that many kids is impressive, it’s only a partial demonstration of SOS’ impact. Using a unique combination of outdoor adventure experiences, positive adult mentorship, and leadership development opportunities, SOS enables participants to unleash their full potential to thrive. Serving 3,000 youth each year, across 15 locations in 9 states, SOS provides opportunities for personal growth for the kids in our communities who need it most. To learn more, visit www.sosoutreach.org.
Colorado Fourteeners Initiative
Colorado Fourteeners Initiative protects and preserves the natural integrity of Colorado’s 54 14,000—foot peaks—the “Fourteeners”—through active stewardship and public education. Colorado’s Fourteeners contain rare and fragile native alpine tundra ecosystems that are uniquely adapted to living on these high peaks. These tundra plants –some of which exist nowhere else on earth– are ill-adapted to being trampled by the estimated 415,000 hiker use days that occur on these peaks every year. In many places, resource damage is past the point of natural recovery.
Friends of Colorado Avalanche Information Center
The Friends of the Colorado Avalanche Information Center is a 501(c) organization that was created to support the CAIC, while contributing to avalanche. awareness and education throughout Colorado. Since 2014 they have invested just over $1.8 million into avalanche safety. This money has funded Know Before You Go, developed avalanche safety videos and signage, created outreach for new and existing users, built new web and mobile applications, and supported the CAIC’s forecast operations.
Previous PROJECT
Lincoln hills cares
Lincoln Hills Cares is a Denver-based non-profit with the mission to help develop the next generation of young leaders through outdoor education and recreation, cultural history exploration and workforce advancement. Their programs empower youth who may not otherwise have the opportunity, due to economic, social or family circumstances. They educate over 1200 youth each year at their location up Coal Creek Canyon. We are excited to partner with them as outdoor access is fundamental to our business and beliefs. We will help fund their outdoor education program.
Colorado Mountain Club: RIMS App
We are very excited to kick off our first donation partnership with CMC and a unique mobile app they are developing to help report public land use. Our donations will be used to help build out the app to include more features and to help educate the public about the app to grow its reach. Here is a snapshot of what the app does and why we think it is important:
Report trail maintenance needs like downed trees, erosion issues & structure damage
Inventory campsites to document fire rings, tree damage and trash
Track visitor use to understand user types and seasonal trends
Provide data for land managers to help streamline maintenance and plan for future impacts through custom CMC RIMS dashboards.